Full text: Vol.IV, [Schülerband] (Vol.IV)

Judgment, "The address of the ‘Evangel,” the 
‘good news’ to the publican and sinner, which called 
out the scorn of the cultivated Roman, has introducea 
a principle into human life which has revolutionized 
it from base to summit. 
As it was with humanity, so it was with licentious- 
ness, The ‘resurrection of Christ’ was a formula 
more powerful than the spell of an enchanter to 
cast out the devils of gluttony and bestiality. It 
was the eternal symbol of the death toısin and the 
living to righteousness. ‘As Christ died in the body 
and rose again, so Christians were bidden to put 
to death the lusts that were in their flesh, and rise 
again to purity, Philosophers might lecture in the 
schools in praise of temperance. Philosophy had 
become an intellectual plaything; it could not so 
much as expel the devil out of the philosophers 
themselves, who, if we can believe Lucian, were the 
most contemptible beings within the circuit of the 
Empire. Nor had Lucian himself any power of 
exorcism, or Celsus, or Marcus Aurelius: they had 
knowledge and integrity; they had large-minded 
statesmanship ; they. might lead pure lives them- 
selves; and they had a healthy scorn for the degrad- 
ation of most of their contemporaries. But they 
possessed no spell to cast out the vicious self-indulg-

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