Full text: [3. historisches Werklein] (3. historisches Werklein)

Cum hoc opufculum: GeschLchte aller christ- 
lichen B^aiser, nihil contra catholicam fidem, 
bynosve Nore8 contineat, ad erudiendam in 
hiitoria ecclefiaftica juventutem utiliflimum fit; 
hinc illud typo digniffimum efie censeo. Auguftae 
Vindelicorum die 13. Augufti Anno 1798* 
Anton.Cqelestin.Nigg, Jos. Ant. Steiner, 
SS. Theol. Doftor , Ecclef. 88. Theol. Doftor , 
cathed. & 5. Maurit. Canon. Eminentiff. ac Sere- 
Vicarius in Spiritualibus ge- niff. Eleft. Archiep. 
neralis mppria* 
Trevir. Epifc, Au« 
guitani Confil. Ec¬ 
clef. Major Pceni- 
tentiarius , Conii- 
LCllLlal 1 Ua , 
ftorii Afleffdr, Vifi- 
tator generalis , ad 
ritii Canonicus» & 
Librorum Cenfor. 

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