peculiar privileges; that they have special means
of communicating with God and of knowing his
will; that they can work miracles, visible or invisible;
that they, in fact, are God’s representatives directly
appointed by himself, The two swords of St, Peter
are the two authorities, secular and spiritual; but
to Peter they were both committed, and the civil
power in Christian countries exists only as the
delegate of Peter’s successors.
If it be true that the clergy are possessed of super-
natural powers; if ‘the keys, as they are called,
have in any such sense been committed to them;
if through them, actually and palpably, the will
of God is made known to men, and in no other way,
the assumption, bold though it be, is fairly justified,
and kings and cabinets ought to be superseded by
commissions of bishops. If, on the other hand, the
clergy are but like other orders of priesthoods in
other ages and countries—mere human beings set
apart for peculiar functions, and tempted by the
nature of those functions into fantastic notions of
their own consequence — the recurring conflicts
between Church and State resolve themselves into
phenomena of social evolution, the common sense
of mankind exerting itself to control a groundless
assumption. To :lw sludent of human nature the