History of Greece. CHAPTER IL FIRST PERIOD. FROM THE DORIAN MIGRATION TO THE FIRST OLYMPIAD, B.C, 1104-776, . Leaving the dim twilight of legendary Greece, we come to Dorian a period when there took place those movements settlement in Of tribes that resulted in settling the Hellenes in Peloponnesus, +p05e parts of Hellas in which we find them during the times of authentic history. The chief of these movements was that known as the Dorian Migration or Return of the Heraclide, this latter name following the legend that the de- scendants of the demigod Heracles (hera-clez) (Hercules), called Heraclide, after being driven from the Peloponnesus, re- turned thither in alliance with the Dorians. The event thus referred to is really the Conquest of the Peloponnesus by the Dorians, and the date assigned to it is B.C. 1104, about 80 years after the supposed date of the legendary Trojan War. The germ of historical truth in the matter is that. about B.C. 1100, the Dorians, under various leaders, made their way from their abodes in central Greece into the Peloponnesus, and conquered the greater part of the peninsula after a long and severe contest with the Achseans and others who were established there. All Peloponnesus, except Arcadia and the part called afterwards Acha’ia, became Dorian, including the kingdoms of Sparta, Argos, and Messe'nia, Elis being occupied, it is said, by Aitolian allies of the Dorians. This great movement led to other changes in the Hellenic world. Of the Achsans in the Peloponnesus some were subdued and remained in the land as an inferior class, tilling the soil as tenants under Dorian lords. Other Achzans, expelled from the south and east of the peninsula, fell back upon the northern coast, inhabited by the Ionians, whom they drove out into Attica and other parts of Central Greece, From this time the Peloponnesus was mainly Dorian, the Ionians being dominant in Central Greece and many islands of the /Egean Sea. 2. The Dorian conquest was succeeded by the planting of Greek numerous colonies on the west coast of Asia Minor colonies in and in the neighbouring islands of the Agean Sea. Asia Minor, These colonies were settled by the three races, the A Tot znan 7 A Meder 0 "fans colonized the