INDEX [A reference thus, “ France, Bk. X. co. 1,” means that the whole or yrenter part of the chapter is devoted to the country in question.] Abereromby, 26 Aboukir Bay, battle of, 17 Acre, siege of, 19 Addington, 26 Aix-la-Chapelle, Congress of, 66 Alexander I. of Russia, 26, 39, 56, 68, 69, 70, 76, 78, 249 Alexander II. of Russia, 153, 156, 207, 208, 215, 237 Alexander III. of Russia, 239, 246 Alexander of Battenberg, Prince, 238 Algeciras, Conference of, 248 Algiers, 224, 247 Ali Pacha, 74 Alphonso XII. of Spain, 209 Alsacc, 196, 206 Amadeo, Duke of Aosta, 209 Amiens, Treaty of, 26 Angola, 225 Antibes, 46 Antonolli, Cardinal, 126 Asperne, battle of, 36 Auerstadt, battle of, 30 Austerlitz, battle of, 29 Austria, 6, 7, 1l, 14, 16, 18, 19, 25, 27-9, 36-0, 42, 44, 45, 48, 49, 62-4, 57-70, 76, 87, 100-101, 115, 119- 124, 134-7, 152, 153, 163, 165, 166, Bk. IV. 0. 3, 186, 195, 206, 207, 217, 218, 235-7, 238. 248-50. 752.4 Baden, 28, 29, 64, 100, 117, 133 3Zagdad Railway, 250 3alaklava, battle of, 153 3albo, Cesare, 102 3äle, Treaty of, 14 Balkan League, 251 Balta-Liman, Convention of, 135 Bandiera, Attilio and Emilio, 102 Barras, 16 3Zatavian Republic, 25 3Zautzen, battle of, 38 Bavaria, 19, 28, 29, 36, 45, 64, 88. 100, 117 Bebel, August, 232 Bechuanaland, 225 Belgium, 7, 13, 14, 40, 44, 49, 83, 84, 144, 189, 254 Benedetti, 189, 194 Berlin, Congress of, 217-18, 221 Berlin, Treaty of, 87 Berlin Deerees, 30 Bernadotte, Marshal, 50 3erry, Duo de, 66, 69 3orry, Duchesse de, 93 3Zessarabia, 216, 217, 238 Bismarck, 132-3, 136, Bk. IV. c. 3, Bk, IV. c. 4, 201, 203-7, 215, 216, 225, 232, 234-7, 239 3lanc, Louis, 105, 112-14 3lücher, 40, 47 . 3lum, 124 3ohemia, 95, 115, 120, 121, 182 3onaparte, Jerome, 30 3onaparte, Joseph, 28, 29, 35 Y m