HISTORY OF NOVA SCOTIA., 5% houses in different parts of the country were repaired, and cannon were mounted at the entrance of the Principal harbours. Privateers were also fitted out and sent against the enemy. , Halifax was a busy place during the war, A Militia force was brought in from the country, and British war ships thronged the harbour. Vessels and Other Property taken from the United States were brought here to be disposed of, Prisoners of war Were kept on Melville Island in Halifax Harbour. Increased demand for provisions of all kinds raised WO Price of produce, and made good times for the ätmers of the country. Capture of the “ Chesapeake, ”-— The story of the eapture Sf the « Chesapeake” is almost a household tale, Captain Broke, Sf the British frigate ‘Shannon, ” came up before Boston Harbour, Where the ‘‘ Chesapeake” was lying, and challenged Captain Law- "Once to single combat. As the two ships sailed out to the battle Sound, they were followed by a fleet of sail boats filled with the Stizens of Boston, eager to see the battle and take part in the ex- Pooted triumph. As the ‘ Chesapeake” drew near, there was Brent excitement among Broke’s men. ‘‘ Don’t cheer,” said Broke, but 80 quietly to your quarters.” “ In fifteen minutes after the first shot was fired, the Chesa- Doake ” was in the hands of the British; on her masts the British ben floated above the stars and stripes; seventy of her men, °8ides several officers, lay dead z and her captain was dying ofa Gotta wound. "The British lost thirty men in the action, and a ’tain Broke was severely wounded. On Sunday, June 6, the Lhannon ” with her prize sailed into Halifax Harbour, Captain we rence was buried in Halifax with military honours, Broke % rewarded by his sovereign with the title of baronet. Dalhousie.— The Earl of Dalhousie became SOvernor in 1816. He studied in every possible way © Promote the welfare of the province. A district yllod Castine, on the coast of Maine, had been held Y the British during the late war, and the duties “Ollected here, amounting to over $40,000, were given