Full text: A history and geography of Nova Scotia

Island of Jamaica in the West Indies, They were 
called Maroons. For many years they had been 
causing so much trouble that it was thought best £0 
banish them from the island. Making their home 
in the glens and caves of the mountains, they often 
came out to rob the settlements; then, when pur 
sued, they fled to their mountain fastnesses. Ever) 
effort to dislodge them was in vain. Finally, the 
English resolved to hunt them with dogs, and im 
ported a savage breed for this purpose. When the 
Maroons heard of the dogs, they were filled with 
alarm and gave themselves up as prisoners, 
. When brought to Halifax the Maroons were at first lodged 
in tents near the city, and were employed by Prince Edward € 
work on the fortifications of Citadel Hill. Then they were 1? 
moved to Preston, where they were for some time supported b) 
the Government of Jamaica, "This aid being withdrawn, A 
were told. that they must earn their own living. Labour did no 
please £hem. In the winter they suffered much from the cold- 
Finally, four years after their arrival in Halifax, they were re 
moved to Sierra Leone in Africa. 
Disputes between the Assembly There now 
and the Council, 1802, A.D. arose between the 
House of Assemblyand the Council a strife which ended 
only when that new condition of public affairs called 
Responsible Government was established. As the 
people’s representatives, the Assembly claimed the 
sole right to regulate the taxes of the province, and 
to say how the public money should be used. A 
majority of its members coming from the country 
distriets, this body voted large sums for ronds and 
bridges. "The members of the Council living in Hali- 
fax, and holding office for life independently of the 
people, took & different view of matters. They cut 
down the amounts votec *- the Assembly, preferrin#

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