Full text: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

Of Hindoostan? Ca, -— Of Thibet? La,— Of Birmah? Aa. — of 
Siam? Bkk, — Of Anam? He, — Of China? Pn.— Of Corea? Ko.— 
Of Japan? Jo, 
What cowntry in Asia does the Arctic Circle pass through? Sa, 
What enuntries does the Tropic of Cancer pass thre-  * * 7. Hn. 
Sh., Ca, 
In what Zone is the northern part of Asia? N," 
In what Zone is the central part of Asia? NT. 
In what Zone is the southern part of Asia? ”"q. 
In what Latitude is Asia wholly? N.-Le. . 
How do you know it is in North Latitude? 135, 
In what Longitude is Asia from Greenwich? E..Le, 
How do you know it is East Longitude? 151, 
— J] m 
What Sea bounds Africa on the North ? Mn. 
What Sea bounds it on the East? Rd. 
What Ocean bounds it on the East? In, 
What Ocean bounds it on the West? Ace. 
What Strait separates Morocco from Spain? Gr. 
What Strait scparates Abyssinia from Arabia? Bb. 
What Gulf between Tripoli and Barca? Sa, 
What Gulf between Berbera and Arabia? An. 
What Gulf south of Upper Guinea? Ga. 
What Bays on the southern part of the west coast? G.Fh,, Wh. 
Cr, SHa, 
What Bay on the east coast north of Caffraria? Da. 
What Channel between Madagascar and Mozambique? Me. 
Which is the most Northern Cape of Africa? Bn, 
Which 18 the most southern Cape? Ası 
What is the Most eastern Cape? Gi, 
Which is the most western Cape? Ve, | 
What Celebrateqd Cape near the southern extremity of Africa ? G..He. 
What two Capes on the desert const? Br., Bo. 
What Cape at the Southern extremity of Liberia ? Pa.

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