5, ENGLAND; fhe most southern part of the Island of
Great Britain, is a beautiful and interesting region; the
land is cultivated with great care, and extensive por-
tions of the country appear like a garden.
6. Vast manufaclures of woollen, colton, silk, iron, glass, &c., are
carried on. Canals and rail-roads are numerous, and steam-ships
sail to almost every part of the earth.
7. In England there are many individuals who possess large for-
itunes. The noble and the rich have splendid houses and country-
seats, elegant coaches, and a multitude of servants, while the poor
live meanly, and often suffer much distress.
8. London, the capital of the British empire, is the largest and
most wealthy city in the world ; its trade extends to every quarter of
the globe, and it is visited by numerous individuals from our own,
and every other civilized country.
9. Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds, and, Bristol, are
important cities : Liverpool and Bristol are noted for commerce, and
ihe others for manufactures.
10. Bath is the most elegant city in England: Cambridge and Ox-
ford contain celebrated universities, in which mar y distinguished men
have been educated,
11. Warss joins England on the west, and is in-
habited by the Welsh: these people make great quantities
of flannel, from the wool furnished by their numerous
ocks of sheep. . Iron, copper, and coal mines abound,
and great quantities of raiılroad iron are made.
5. What is England? 6. What are carried on? 7. What do many
individuals possess? 8. What is London? 9. Name the important
cities. 10. What is Bath1— What do Cambridge and Oxford con-
a 1 1! By whom is Wales inhabited ? — What do ıhese people