Full text: Modern school geography and atlas

Tu favor which has been accorded to the successive editions of this Geography the 
editors take as an evidence of the appropriateness of the system upon which it has been 
planned, the fulness and acenracy of its information, the beauty and utility of its maps, 
and tne general adaptability of the book for use in the schools of the Dominion, 
The Sixth Edition has been thoroughly revised to the present date, many parts of 
the work having been rewritten, and all of it subinitted to a rigid examination. 
Che political changes of recent years, and the results of modern exploration, have 
materially altered the maps of Europe, Asia, and Africa; while the growth of our own 
Dominion, and the developınent of the newer sections of the United States, have neces- 
sitated an extensive revision of the maps and Jetter-press, which the work has received. 
In addition to embodying these changes, the work, it ınay be said, has been otherwise 
improved, and the populations have heen revised in accordance with the latest Census in 
the several countries. 
The book has been re-set throughout in a larger and clearer type, with the head- 
ings and eateh-words in a heavy letter, and the number of pages has been cansiderahly 
increased without adding to the Zst of the work. 
New outline maps have been engraved and printed on the back of the. colored 
mnaps, to encourage the pupil in map-drawing, and to aid in fastening on his mind the 
configuration and other physical features of the country represented. Illustrations of some 
of the prineipal mountain ranges of the world have been introduced under the head of 
each grand division, with the object of embellishing the work, and of calling. the pupiVl’s 
attention to a distinetive feature in each of the great continents.

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