Full text: Modern school geography and atlas

zoinage. It is found prineipally in England, Saxony, 
and France. 
Antimony is a bluish-white metal, generally used for 
alloying. It is found principally in Borneo, 
Coal is a valuable mineral, and perhaps the most im- 
portant for adding to the wealth of a country. It is 
found in greatest abundance in many parts of Great 
Britain and the United States, and largely in Nova Scotia, 
New Brunswick, Vancouver Island, and other countries. 
Sulphur is found chiefly in volcanie districts. 
Salt is found in every part of the world, in the various 
(orms of mines, mountains, plains, and springs, and is 
also produced by the evaporation of. sea-water. 
Other minerals are numerous, but are of less importance. 
Some animals are common to all the zones, such as the 
log, sheep, bear, etc. ; and it is remarkable that their 
natural covering varies with the climate of £he zone in 
which they are found. 
Mankind has been variously classified according to dis- 
Anctions of form, color, skin, hair, etc. The system of 
3]umenbach, as the one most convenient for classification, 
"orms the basis of nearly all subsequent schemes; and is 
as follows: 
The Caucasian, including the principal nations of 
Zurope, with the allied Asiatic races, jointly classed as 
Indo-European ; and also the Semitic races, inchuding 
;he Arabs, Jews, etc. 
The Mongolian, including the Chinese, the Tartar 
ribes of Central Asia, and allied races; among these the 
Finns and Lapps of Europe are embraced. 
The Malay, including the natives of the peninsula of 
Malacca, the chief jslands of the Indian Archipelago, New 
Zealand, ete. 
The Ethiopian, including the chief nations and tribes 
of Africa; and 
The American, including all the nations and tribes 
1ative to North and South America, 
The Papuans and other jslanders are styled Negritoes, 
From their negro-like color of skin, woolly hair, ete. "The 
Australians are equally dark, but with hair generally 
The American Indian closely approximates to the Asi- 
atic Mongolian. 
Plants are found adapted to every elimate, soil, and 
‚ocality, and flourish in proportion to the amount of heat, 
light, and moisture which they receive. 
In the Torrid Zone they are most numerons, and vege- 
sation is most luxuriant, They become less numerous 
and more stunted as we approach the poles, till even 
trees refuse to grow, and only mosses or lichens are found, 
upon which animals subsist. 
The Torrid Zone is distingnished for the size and 
beauty of its trees and tiowers, its spices and rich fruits, 
and its odoriferous plants. The teak, mahogany, palm, 
soffee, and cinnamon trees, the banana, pine-apple, and 
the sugar-cane, are only found in this zone. 
The Temperate Zones are distinguished for the abun- 
dance of their fruits and grains most useful to man, for 
the variety and strength of the timber drawn from its 
forests, and for its fibrous plants, such as cotton, flax, and 
The Frigid: Zones produce nothing but mosses and 
Äichens, except in the more temperate parts, where a little 
barley and rye is grown, and a few pines and other hardy 
irees are found. 
A State of Society is the condition of a people in re- 
spect to civilization. The principal states are the savag0, 
barbarous, semi-civilized, and the civilized. 
The Savage State is that of people who live in tribes, 
ind subsist on the products of nature. 
The Barbarous state is that of a people who. possess 
docks and herds, and rudely till the soil. 
The Semi-ocivilized state is that of a people who have 
z settled society, live in towns, POSSES5 A written language, 
and have made considerable progress in the mechanical 
The Oivilized, or enlightened, state js the condition of 
‘he most advanced nations, of those that have made the 
zrentest progress in the arts, sciences, morals, and culture, 
— Sayınton. 
Animals, like plants, are to be found in every regioT.. 
and adapted to every climate, goil, and locality. . 
Amid the luxuriant vegetation of the Torrid Zone, 
animals attain the largest size; here, also, wild animals 
abound. "Che forests swarm with birds of brilliant plu- 
mage, insects, and reptiles. . 
In the Temperate Zones the more useful animals, 
such as the horse, cow, sheep, and deer, are abundant, 
and very few wild animals are to be found. . 
In the Frigid Zones comparatively few land animals 
are found, but sea-fowl are very numerous, and the sea 
Abounds with the whale, seal, and walrus. 
The Political Divisions of the earth are Empires,, 
Kingdoms, Prineipalities, and Republic®

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