Full text: Modern school geography and atlas

What is the area of Ontario? Population? How many persons are 
there to a square mile? What does Ontario comprise? How is it 
bounded? How is it divided? Name the counties and their chief 
towns. State how each county is bounded. Where are the chief towns 
situated? What is said of the unsurveyed lands? Describe the surface 
of Ontario. Point out the hills and ridges on the map. What form the 
principal features of Ontario? Name the great lakes, Which is the 
:argest, &c.? Describe Lake Superior, Describe Lake Huron, Point 
out on the map the principal bays in it. The rivers flowing into it. 
What towns do they flow past, and what lakes do they drain? Poinı 
out the towns on its shores. How does Lake Huron empty? Describe 
Lake St Clair, What river flows into it? What town does it flow past * 
Point them out on the map. How does Lake St Clair empty? Describe 
Lake Erie, Point out on the map the principal river flowing into it. 
What towns does it flow past? Point out the principal towns on Lake 
Erie, How is it emptied? Describe the Falls of Niagara, Deseribe 
Lake Ontario, and point out its principal features. What rivers flow 
into it? What towns are on its shores? Point them out on the map. 
How is Lake Ontario drained? What other Inkes are there? Point 
:hem out on the map. What is the outlet of Lake Ontario? Describe 
the St Lawrence. What lakes are in its course? What rivers flow into 
it? Describe the Ottawa, What lakes are in its course? Name its 
iributaries, What islands are at its mouth? When did Ontario begin 
to be settled? What is said ofit? What are the chief employments of 
ihe inhabitants? What are the chief products? What is said of the 
ninerals of Ontario? Of the petroleum springs? Of the fisheries? Of 
;he salt-weils? How is Ontario governed? Who appoints the Lieu- 
tenant-Governor? For what term is the Legislative Assembly elected? 
What is the revenue? Describe the chief towns of Ontario. Point them 
out on the map. State where they are siturted and for what noted. 
What counties touch on Lake Ontario? On Lake Erie? On Lake 
Huron? On Georgian Bay? On St Lawrence River? On the Ottawa 
River? In what county is Kingston? Toronto? London? Ottawa? 
St Catharines? Guelph? Windsor? Sarnia? Niagara? Brockvillet 
Belleville? Cobourg? Peterboro’? Port Hope? Name the principal 
towns on Georgian Bay. On Lake Huron; Onthe Rivers St Clair and 
Detroit. On Lake Erie, On Lake Ontario, On the St Lawrence. 
What large river and lake nearly connects Georgian Bay with the Ottawa 
River? What large islands are in Lake Huron? What islands are in 
Lake Erie? What peninsula in Lake Ontario? What lakes and rivers 
nearly surround the western peninsula? What river forms the north- 
sastern boundary? What rivers separate Ontario from the United 
States? Which is the most southerly county of Ontario? In what 
direction does the Niagara River flow? The St Clair River? The 
Detroit River?

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