Full text: Modern school geography and atlas

THE WoruD.— Which hemisphere contains most land? Which most 
water? Name a continent in the Western Hemisphere. What is that Portion 
>f land called which connects North and South America? What large island 
is there in the Eastern Hemisphere? What is the southern point of America 
called? Name the oceans on the map. Name a sea near the centre of the 
Eastern Hemisphere. An archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean. A gulf 
and sea between North and South America. A strait on the north of 
America, What continents are crossed by the Equator? Which hemisphere 
contains most land, the northern or southern? What continents are north 
of the Equator? Is any part of Asia in the twrid zone? In what zones is 
North America? What zones is Europe in? How many degrees of latitude 
and longitude are there in each hemisphere? Arethe degrees of longitude in 
America east or west? Of what? Are the degrecs of latitude in North 
America north or south? Of what? Point out a land in the Antarcetic 
Ocean. In what zone is Canada? Newfoundland? The West India 
Islands? What countries are crossed by the Tropics and Polar Vircles? 
What waters? What large islands in Oceanica by the equator? In what 
lirection are the Sandwich Islands from North America? In what direction 
is Africa from Europe? Australia from Asia? Madagascar from Africa 
Newfoundland from Canada? Europe from North America? Asia from 
Europe? The West India Islands from South America? Bermuda from 
North America? What oceans wash the shores of America? What sea is 
’etween North and South America? What sen between Europe and Africa ? 
Vhat sea between Asia and Africa? What oceans are in the Eastern 
Temisphere? What strait divides North America from Asia? What is the 
jouthern point of Africa called? What is the southern point of India called ? 
What island is near there? What islands lie to the east of Asia in the 
’emperate zone? What part of America is nearest to Japan? In what ocean 
ıre the Polynesian Islands situated? In what zone do they lie? Point out 
he principal groups north of the equator. South of it. Which is the 
prineipal of the Sandwich Islands? In what direction from San Francisco 
are they? In what direction from them is New Zealand? Japan? What is 
‘he most southern land called? In what Ocean is it situated? Point out 
‘wo volcanoes in Antarctica, Describe them. In what zone is Antarctica 
rincivally situntend?

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