Full text: Vol.IV, [Schülerband] (Vol.IV)

would go himself to the spot under pretence of a 
pilgrimage. If the wretched bishop was found incon- 
veniently vigorous, rumours were spread that he was 
shamming youth, that he was as old as Nestor, and 
was in his dotage ; if he was infirm, it was said that 
men ought not to remain in positions of which they 
could not discharge the duties; they should go into a 
cloister. The king and the primate should see to it. 
If intrigue failed, another road was tried, The 
man of the world became a saint. He retired to one 
or other of his churches, He was weary of the earth 
and its vanities, and desired to spend his remaining 
days in meditating upon heaven. The court dress 
was laid aside. The wolf clothed himself in a sheep- 
skin, and the talk was only of prayers and charities. 
Beggars were fed in the streets, the naked were 
covered, the sick were visited, the dead were buried, 
The rosy face grew pale, the plump cheeks became 
thin, and the admiring public exclaimed, ‘Who was 
like unto this man to keep the law of the Most 
High?’ Finally some religious order was entered, 
and entered with ostentation. "The aspirant would 
take vows upon him of special austerities; he would 
bewail the desolations of the Church, speak in a low 
sad voice, sigh, walk slowly, and droop his eyelids; 
kinns were charged wit! * 1 “+. und priests with

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