society was possessed, they rose, many of them, into
positions of extraordinary influence and consequence.
Asia Minor seems to have been their chief breeding
ground, where Eastern magic came in contact with
Greck eivilization, and imposture was able to dis-
guise itself in the phrases of philosophy.
Apollonius of Tyana was the most remarkable
of these adventurers, His life, unfortunately, had
been written by believers in his pretensions; and we
have no knowledge of what he looked like to cool
observers. "The Apollonius of Philostratus is a
heathen saviour, who claimed a commission from
heaven to teach a pure and reformed religion, and in
attestation of his authority went about healing the
sick, raising dead men to life, casting out devils, and
prophesying future events which came afterwards to
pass. The interesting fact about Apollonius is the
extensive recognition which he obtained, and the
oase with which his pretensions found acceptance in
the existing condition of the popular ınind. Out of
the legends of him little can be gathered, save the
barest outline of his history. He was born four
years before the Christian era in Tyana, a city of
Cappadocia. His parents sent him to be educated
at Tarsus in Cilicia, a place of considerable wealth
and repute, and he must have been about beginning