Full text: Vol.IV, [Schülerband] (Vol.IV)

feature which could concentrate the nation’s attention 
upon it. The Duke of York was the actual and 
scarcely concealed prosecutor, Lady Rachel appeared 
in court as her husband’s secretary. It is idle to 
say that he was unjustly convicted. He was privy 
to a scheme for armed resistance to the Government, 
and a Government which was afraid to punish him 
ought to have abdicated. Charles Stuart had been 
brought back by the deliberate will of the people. 
As long as he was on the throne he was entitled 
to defend both himself and his authority. Lord 
Russell was not, like Hampden, resisting an uncon- 
stitutional breach of the law. He was taking 
precautions against a danger which he anticipated, 
but which had not yet arisen. A Government may 
be hateful, and we may admire the courage which 
takes arms against it; but the Government, while it 
exists, is not to be blamed for protecting itself with 
those weapons which the law places in its hands, 
He died beautifully. Every effort was made 
to save him. His father pleaded his own exertions 
in bringing about the Restoration, But the Duke 
of York was inexorable, and Lord Russell was 
sxecuted. The Earl was consoled after the Revolu- 
tion with a dukedom. His mother, Lady Anne, did 
not live to recover from the shock of her son’s

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