Lessons of one Syllable.
Lesson 15.
Please to give me a plum. Here is one.
I want more, I want ten, if you please. Here
are ten. Countthem. I will. One (1), two (2),
three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7),
eight (8), nine (9), ten (10).
Lesson 16.
Tom fell in the pond ; they got him out, but
he was wet and cold; and his eyes were shut ;
and then he was sick, and they put him to bed ;
and he was long ill and weak, and could not
stand. Why did he go near the pond? He
had been told not to go, for fear he should fall
in; but he would go, and he did fall in: it
was his own fault, and he was a bad boy.
Mind and do not do the same.
Lesson 17.
Jack Hall was a good boy. He went to school,
and took pains to learn as he ought. When he
was in school, he kept to his books, till all his
tasks were done ; and then when he came out,
he could play with a good heart, for he-knew
that he had time ; and he was so kind, that all
the boys were glad to play with him.
When he was one of the least boys in the
3chool, he made all the great boys his friends ;
and when he grew a great boy, he was a friend
to all that were Jess than he was. He was not
once known to fight, or. to use one of the boys
ill, as long äs he staid at school.
Be like Jack Hall, and you too will gain the
love of all who know vou.