Full text: Third book of lessons for the use of schools (Book 3)

one of his legs, and that the foot was extremely 
swelled, as if it had been wounded. Acquiring 
still more fortitude from the gentle demeanour of 
the beast, he advanced up to him, and took hold 
of the wounded paw, as a surgeon would examine 
a patient. He then perceived that a thorn of un- 
common size had penetrated the ball of the foot, 
and was the occasion of the swelling and lameness 
which he had observed. Androcles found that the 
beast, far from resenting this familiarity, received 
it with the greatest gentleness, and seemed to in- 
vite him by his blandishments to proceed. He 
therefore extracted the thorn, and, pressing the 
swelling, discharged a considerable quantity of 
matter, which had been the cause of so much pain 
and uneasiness, 
As soon as the beast felt himself thus relieved, 
he began to testify his joy and gratitude, by every 
expression within his power. He jumped about 
like a wanton spaniel, wagged his enormous tail, 
and licked the feet and handsof hisphysician. Nor 
was he contented with these demonstrations of 
kindness: from this moment Androcles became his 
guest; nor did the lion ever sally forth in quest of 
prey without bringing home the produce of his 
chase, and sharing it with his friend. Inthis savage 
state of hospitality did the man continue to live 
during the space of several months; at length, 
wandering unguardedly through the woods, he met 
with a company of soldiers sent out to apprehend 
him, and was by them taken prisoner,and conduect- 
ed back to his master. "The laws of that country 
being very severe against slaves, he was tried, and 
found guilty of having fledfrom his master; and, as

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