Capel, Lord, 136,
Carberry Hill, 103,
Carisbrooke Castle, 134.
Carlyle, Thomas, 139,
Caroline of Anspach, 171.
Maroline of Brunswick,
Sarr, Robert, 122,
Castillon, Battle, 75.
Catesby, Robert, 120.
Catherine of Aragon, 92,
Dato Street Conspiracy,
Davaliers, 131.
Cavendish, Lord F., 217.
Cawnpore Massacre, 212,
Cecil (Lord Burleigh), 106.
Celts, 12.
Ceorls, 29,
Teylon (Government, 224.
Chalgrove Field, 132.
Chırles V., Emperor, 97.
Mharles, Prince of Wales,
Jharles I., 125 135,
ÖÖhartists, 205.
7hiltern Hundreds, The,
“hinese War, 205, 212,
Zhristianity in Britain, 14.
Siudad Rodrigo, 193,
Jlarendon, Constitutions
of, 44.
Yarendon, Earl, 145,
Zlonmel, 136.
Zobham, Lord, 71,
Yoke, Sir Edward, 123,
Zolchester, 134.
Colonies, Government of,
"ommission, Court of
High, 107, 116, 128,
Zommon Prayer, Book of,
Commons, House of, 220.
Compurgation, 30,
Congregation, Lords of
the, 109.
Connecticut, 128.
Conspiracy Bill, 218.
Constitution, British, 219.
Zoomassie, 216.
Zope, Sir John, 174.
Copenhagen, 191.
Corn Laws, 207.
Corunna, Battle, 192,
Couneil of State, 136.
Covenant, National, 129.
Cranmer, Archbishop, 93,
99, 104,
Crecy, Battle, 62.
Crimean War, 203,
Cromwell, Oliver, 132-140.
Cromwell, Richard, 141.
Cromwell, Thomas, 93, 98.
Cropredy Bridge, 133.
Crusades, 35, 47,
Culloden, Battle, 175
Curfew, 32.
Cyprus, 217.
Danelagh, 20.
Danes in England, 19.
Darien Schemeo, 159.
Darnley, Lord, 100,
Davis, John, 110,
io Burgh, Hubert, 52,
Delhi, 213,
De Montfort, 53.
oe Ruyter, 144,
Despenser, Hugh le, 59.
es Roches, 52,
Nettingen, Battle, 173.
)israeli, Benjamin, 207,
Doamesday Rook, 33.
Vover, Treaty, 146.
Drake, Francis, 110, 113.
Drogheda, Sack of, 136,
Dudley, Edmund, 88.
Dudley,Guilford, 100, 103,
Du Gueschin, 68,
Dunbar Drove, 187.
Dunkirk, 140,
Ounstan. 21.
Bast India Company, 115.
Eagehill, Battle, 132,
Edinburgh, 137.
FAmund IT.(Ironside), 22
Ecuncation Act, 216.
Edward I., 54-58.
Edward II, 58-60,
Edward ITT., 60-64,
Edward IV., 78-80,
Edward V., 80-81.
Kaward VI, 98-101.
Edward, Black Prince, 62.
Kdward, Confessor, 24,
Egbert, 19.
Elba, 195.
Kliot, Sir John, 125, 128,
Elizabeth of Bohemia, 123,
Elizabeth, Queen, 105-115,
fmpson, 88,
Eric of Sweden, 107.
Essex, Karl of, 132, 183.
fissex, Robert, Karlof,114.
Estaples, Troaty, 88.
Evesham, Battle, 54,
Exeise Bill, 172,
Fxelusion Bill, 148,
Exhibition. Great, 208.
FAIRFAX, Lord, 133,
Fairfax, Sir T., 133,
Falkirk, Battles, 57, 174.
Falkland, Viscount (Lu:
cius Carey), 181.
Famine in Ireland, 206.
Farnese, Alexander, 118,
Fawkes, Guy, 121,
ferozeshah, 207,
Feudal System, 40,
Fifteen, The, 169.
Fire of London, Great.
Fisher, Bishop, 95.
Fitz-Osbern, 31,
Fleetwood, 141.
Flodden, Battle, 90.
Fontenoy, Battle, 173.
Forest Laws, 32,
Forty-five, The, 174.
Fotheringay Castle, 112,
Francis I. of France, 97.
Francis IT, of France, 108.
Frederick, Elector Pala-
tine, 123.
Frederick, Prince of
Wales, 177. .
Free Church of Scotland,
Free Trade, 205.
Frobisher, Martin, 110,
Fuentes d’Onoro, 193.