Full text: Outlines of British history

"wo nn Me English triumphed over the tremendous odds against 
making the ench King was captured and conveyed to England, 
Ya Pa 8ecom royal captive in Edward’s possession, . 
prevalence ar TUCO of Kiro years, war broke out afresh. During the 
Edwards an besbilities France suffered severely from the ravages of 
Bretiony Peace was made by the Yreaty of Troat 
to the  Prenel Klar consented to renounNce his claim 6 Bpg m 
Calnis Polten. „Srown, m condition that his rights in . 
stipulated ne nn Guienne were fully acknowledged. It was further 
sum equal ko King John was to be ransomed_ by the payment of a 
Never paid one and a half million pounds sterling. The money was 
later. ‚ and John remained in prison until his death. four years 
a Sb, Mo lnck Prince weakly ‚yielded to the solicitations of 
Subjects, Tr N edro of Castile, to aid him against his rebellious 
little Desider Ha expedition the English Prince gained The Spanish 
his "— A Ory, Pedro 8 enemies were defeated, but EDEN 
This failure % vepay Edward’s expenses was not kept. . 
held by En ln to heaping increased taxation on the French provinces 
16 Ed 
help. rn & y’rench subjeets now turned to the King of France for 
bya har kn M all its horrors spread once more over France. Led 
Victorious - ıt named Du Guesclin, the French were 
the Englisch rt after provinee was wrested from 
Were reduce . TE 1374 their actual Possessions in France 
17. The Bl 1 ewdemnx, Bayomne, and Calals, 
health in der K Prince, who had returned to England with shattered 
Are the unwise ding a 1376. The ‚blots on his memory Death of 
& Wholesale ı 56 expedition into Spain related above, and. Biaek 
his final X Nassacre of the people of Limoges just before Prince 
ever $ . a from France, "The latter deod, how- ) 
Black Prien without provocation ; and the general reputation of the 
8. Bewant Mat ofa Ye modest, and magnanimous knight. 
Came under the den, Philippa of Hainault, was NOW dead, and he 
death of the Bl w. influence of a woman named Alice Perrers, The 
Powerful shock, Prince not only gave the aged King a Last days 
Quüillity of th © ut also seriously disturbed the tran- of 
Lancaster A ingdom. His third son, John, Duke of qward IM. 
Chent, as Se od from his birthpluce John of Caunt, or 
Bon, Te En and with good reason, of aspiring to the SUCCES- 
Now TeMained 70 is foreign conquests had jiassed away, and nothing 
length, in I ut the heavy load of debt which they had created, At 
Years, His 0 1377, Edward died, having reigned upwards of fifty 
Gaunt ”); da ag sons were John, Duke of Lancaster (‘John of 
;» Edmund Duke cc" 2 ud Thomas, Duke of ((Houceste>

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