Full text: Outlines of British history

of Scotland. From this marriage there resulted in time the union of 
England and Seotland under one Sovereign. 
9, Henry VIL died at Richmond, a few miles from 
April 1509. He was buried at Westminster, in that 
beautiful Chapel of the famous Abbey which perpetuates hen 
his name. It is said that his last days were clouded N 
with remorse on account of his illegal exactions, and that he gave a 
dying charge to his successor to undo, as far as possible, the wrongs 
which Dudley and Emypson had inflieted on innocent men, 
10. Parliament ıneetinz seldom, the legislation of the reign of 
Henry VIL was nıecagre and unimportant, A statute 
Was anacted suppressing maintenance, or the system b Legislation, 
pr g , or the sy y 
which the greater nobles supported large numbers of retainers, and 
thus made themselves rivals of the King. Another Act defined the 
duty of subjeets to the reigning Sovereign. To speak technically, 
allegianee was declared to be due to the de facto {the actual) King, as 
distinguished from the de jure (rightful) one. 
11. The period of Henry’s reign was thraughout Europe marked by 
great intellectual activity, "The revival of learning 
spread from Italy into other countries, Three great in- Gircat 
4 4 . events. 
yentions--gunpowder, the printing-press, and the mari- 
ner’s compass- -had already brought about important changes, and 
were making their influence felt in Kngland, It is to Henry’s credit 
that he obtained for his country some share in the glory of maritime 
discovory. "To the expeditions of John Cabot and his son Sebastian, 
which sailed from Bristol under the auspices and at the expense of 
the English King, we owe the discovery of the mainland of North 
1509 to 1547 A.D. 
1. In Honry, the second son of the late King, England had at length a 
Sovereign who reigned with an undisputed title, In the 
plume of Henry VITT. the colors of the rival Roses were en of 
inextricably blonded The young King being now eighteen enyy VI. 
y young King being ı g 
years of age, procecded to carry out the marriage contract with Catharine 
of Aragon, the widow of his deceased brother Arthur. "The royal nup- 
tials were performed ofı the 7th of June, two months after Henry’s acces- 
sion, The coronation took place a fortnight later in Westminster Abbey. 
2, Under the guidance of his father's trusted adviser, the Bishop of 
Winchester, Henry devoted himself to his new duties 3 ala 
with considerable energy. Kmpson and Dudley, the et Ed 
ministers of the late monarch’s avarice, were executed on “

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