Full text: A history and geography of Nova Scotia

Columbus discovered America . 1492 
First voyage of John and Sebastian Cabot 1497 
Cartier visited the Gulf of St. Lawrence „1534 
Sir Humphrey Gilbert took possession of Newfoundland 1583 
De ia Roche left convicts on Sable Island 1598 
De Monts visited Nova Scotia 1604 
Port Royal fonnded . 1605 
Argall destroyed Port, Royal . 1614 
New England settled by the Pilgrims 1620 
Nova Scotia granted to Sir William Alexander „1621 
Sir David Kirkt’s conquests . 1627-29 
Treaty of St. Germain— Acadie restored to France 1632 
Charles de 1a Tour married Charnis6's widow 1653 
Colonel S-dgwick took Port Royal 5 1654 
Treaty of Breda— Acndie restored to France 1667 
Sir William Phips took Port Royal 1690 
Treaty of Ryswick . „1697 
Colonel March’s unsuccessful attempt to take Port Royal 1707 
Final capture of Port Royal—nanıe changed to Anna- 
polis Royal , 8 1710 
Treaty of Utrecht 1713 
Du Vivier besieged Port Royal . 1744 
Capture of Louisburg by Pepperell and Warren 1745 
D’Anville’s Expedition “.: 
Maassacre at Grand Pr6 
T'reaty of Aix-la-Char: 
Founding of Hzli£- 
Fort Beauseijour

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