Full text: The Guyot geographical reader and primer

Aus’-tri-a-Hun’-ga-ry, | 
Vi-en’-na. | Con-stan-ti-no/-ple. 
mosque mosk]. Rou-ma/-ni-a. 
1. THERE is in the central part of Europe, east of 
Germany, a large empire called AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. 
The western portion includes a part of the Alps, and 
is much like Switzerland and southern Germany. 
Through this the Danube flows, winding along beauti- 
ful valleys, or rushing down deep and narrow gorges in 
waterfalls and rapids. 
2. East of the mountains, is a fine country of low hills 
and rich plains, in which are forests, grainfields, and 
vineyards. Everywhere are villages and cities, some 
of which have stood for hundreds of years; and here 
and there, on rugged hills, are strong old castles, like 
those in Germany. The largest of the cities is Vienna; 
which is situated beside the Danube, near the point 
where it leaves the mountains. It is the capital of the 
ampire ; and contains the palaces in which the emperor 
and his family live, and many other splendid buildings. 
3. Beyond this varied country, a broad plain stretches 
aastward, without hills, without trees, without roads, 
without houses. Along the streams are immense 
marshes, which it is almost impossible to cross. KElse- 
where the plain is sandy, covered only by grass or 
other low plants. In some places, even these do not 
grow; but the bare, loose sand is driven by the winds 
into ridges like snowärifts.

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