Full text: The Guyot geographical reader and primer

The United States is in the middle part of North 
America. It extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific, 
and from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. 
"The Atlantic Plain is on the eastern side, bordering 
upon the Atlantic Ocean. 
The Appalachian Mountains lie next, extending 
from the northern boundary nearly to the southern. 
The Central Plain fills the middle, reaching from 
the Appalachian to the Rocky Mountains, 
The table-Jand and the mountain systems that form 
its borders occupy the western part of the country. 
Beyond them are only valleys and low coast ranges. 
Exgzroıse. — (Open books to map of United States.) Across 
what three States (pp. 8, 12, 20) were our first journeys? Find 
‚hese States. Find the cities noticed in them. How (see United 
States map, left-hand lower corner) are the cities marked on the 
ınap? Why, then, is Trenton marked differently from Cincinnati? 
What region is between the Appalachian and the Rocky Moun- 
tains? "The Central Plain is the richest division of our country : it 
is also the largest. Write all you remember about the surface of 
the Central Plain. 
(Part LI, PacGEs 10, 33-37.) 
You know how much warmer the southern part of our 
country is than the northern. "Che southernmost points 
reach nearly to the tropic, and are alınost as warm as the 
Torrid Zone. But the western half is very unlike the east- 
ern in moisture. You remember how productive the coun- 
try is throughont the east, how dry it becomes towards the 
Rocky Mountains, and. how barren the table-Jand is. But 
beyond the Sierra Nevada anc Cascade Mountains are rich 
valleys, with plenty of rain.

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