Full text: The Guyot geographical reader and primer

Constantinople is the capital and largest city of 
Furkey; Lisbon, of Portugal; and Athens, of Greece. 
Venice is an old city, built on a cluster of islands. 
ExERCISE.— (Open books to the 
map of Europe.) Bound the coun- 
tries named. What parallel crosses 
these countries ? Find what States of 
our country are crossed by this paral- 
lel. The peninsulas of southern Eu- 
rope all have high mountains along 
the northern border, shutting off the 
cold north winds. Besides, they are 
near the hot countries of Africa, with 
nothing to interrupt the warm south 
winds. "That is one reason why they 
are so much warmer than the mid- 
dle of our country. Find the cities 
named. (Milan is on the map of 
Central Europe.) In what country 
is each? Read what is said in Part 
I. about Madrid (p. 138), Rome 
(142), Venice (143), Naples (14%), 
Constantinople and Athens (157° 
A Spanish Peasant. 
(PART I, PAGES 145-153.) 
The great kingdom of Prussia, the smaller kingdoms of 
Saxony, Bavaria, and Wurtemburg, and a number of other 
little states in the middle part of Europe, are all peopled by 
Germans. In 1871 these states united, forming the Empire 
of Germany, and made King William of Prussia their em- 
peror, Germany is celebrated for its schools and its learnea 
men, and for the treasures of painting and sculpture, and 
other interesting things, collected in the cities.

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