tem looks as though the earth’s crust had been all torn
and broken in pieces, instead of gently folded, as it
appeared in the Appalachians.
6. You would hardly suppose people could wish to
live among the Rocky Mountains; but large numbers
of men are there, and more are going every year.
(Great herds of cattle are pastured in the valleys be-
tween the ranges; and in the mountains, are rich mines
of silver and gold, with towns growing up around
them. Denver, at the eastern side of the mountains.
is a large, busy, and beautiful city.
7. The Rocky Mountains make a great dividing wall,
extending across the entire country. Lven the water
from the springs on the eastern side goes away to the
Mississippi, and. finally to the Atlantic Ocean; while
that on the western side flows to the Pacific. As you
become older, you will be able to understand, much
better than you now can, how very important this
mountain system is.
XVII.— ON THE TABLE-LAND.’/-ra Ne-va’-da, ] can/’-on. ] Co-Lo-ra/’-do [-rah'-]
[Si-er'-ra Ne-vah'-da]. feun’-1021. pla-teau’ [nia-to’].
1. BEYOND the Rocky Moyntains, is another vast
plain, many hundred miles broad; and on the western
border of that, is another great system o£ mountains,
called the Sierra Nevada. "This whole plain between
the two mountain systems is lifted up, so that it is
higher than the ranges of. ;palachian Mountains