Full text: An easy introduction to the study of geography

6. The Dutch are great smokers, and are honest, industrious, and 
[rugal. Their orchards and gardens are kept in the neatest manner. 
The commerce of Holland is very great, and there are many persons 
engaged in fishing. 
7. Amsterdam, the chief city, is a place of great trade: the streets 
and houses are kept remarkably clean. A town called the Hague is 
the capital of Holland. Haarlem contains the largest organ in the 
world. This place is noted for its great trade in flowers, especially 
tulips. Saardan is a town of wooden houses, which are all painted 
8. BeLcıum, or FLANDERS, IS one of the most populous 
and best cultivated countries in Europe. It has long been 
noted for its various manufactures. 
9. The people of this country are called Belgians: they resemble 
the Dutch, but speak the French language. There are many schools 
in this country, and almost every 0ne can read and write, Brussels 
is the capital: Antwerp and Ghent are important cities. 
10. A number of famous battles have been fought, at various times, 
ın Belgium ; the last occurred at Waterloo, in the ycar 1815. In this 
contest, Napoleon Bonaparte, the emperor of the French, was de- 
feated, and many thousand soldiers were killed on both sides. 
1. Tuz unıteD Kınenom or Great BRITAIN AND IRE- 
„AND comprises England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales: 
these countries, with numerous colonies in various quar- 
ters of the earth, form the British Empire. 
Dutch? — In what are there many persons engaged? 7. What is 
Amsterdam ?— What does Haarlem contain? 8. What is Belgium * 
—_ What are the inhabitants called? 9, What language do the Bel- 
ıians speak? 10. When was the battle of Waterloo fought? 
QuzeTtions, — 1. What does the United Kingdom comprise? — 
What do these countries, &c., form? 2, For what has this kingdom

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