Full text: An easy introduction to the study of geography

lÄime they became Improved and eivilized, and, with their descend- 
ants in other quarters, they now comprise the most enlightened. and 
Powerful nations in existence. 
7. All the nations of Europe, with the exception of the Turks, pro- 
fess the Christian religion: they are better educated, and enjoy a 
Sreater share of freedom, than the inhabitants of Asia or Africa. 
‚ 8. To Europe the world is indebted for many of the most usefü: 
Ihventions; of these, the art of printing, with the mariner’s Compass, 
Waiches, telescopes, and rail-roads, are some of the results of Euro- 
pean ingenuity. 
9. Many distinguished men have lived in Europe in modern times : 
Some are noted for their learning, some for the useful discoveries 
they have made, and others for their abilities as statesmen and 
10. Among the Jlatter was Napoleon Bonaparte, a native of Corsica : 
he became emperor of the French, and king of Italy, and was the 
greatest general and monarch of his time. 
were the people of Europe after the downfall of the Roman em- 
pire ? — What do they now comprise?! 7. What do the nations of 
Europe profess ?— What do they enjoy? 8. What are some of the 
vesults of European ingenuity? 9. Who have lived in Kurope, 
&c,1 10. What did Napoleon Bonaparte become? 11. What

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