Full text: An easy introduction to the study of geography

Surrender of the Hessians, at Trenton. 
„5. General Washington afterwards took the Hessians zrisoners at 
Trenton, and Lord Cornwallis and his army prisoners at Yorkftown ; 
and at length, after a war which lasted eight years, the British armies 
were driven from the country. 
6. This period is called the American ‚Revolution, or the War of 
the Revolution. In that contest, Great Britain lost fifty thousand 
soldiers, and spent more than four hundred millions of dollars. 
7. On the 4th of July 1776, Congress declared the 
couniry free and independent, under the title of United 
States of America. It is in remembrance of this great 
national event, that the 4th of July is celebrated as a 
holyday, or a day of rejoicing. 
8. Besides the gallant patriots who fought to achieve the indepen. 
Ülence of our country, Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Hancock, and 
Many others, were highly distinguished for their abilities as writers, 
Orators, and statesmen, 
battles fought? 5. What did General Washington do? 6. What is 
this period called? 7. What was d me on the 4th of July 1776 ! 
8, Who distinguished themselves as ı tatesmen, Le.

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