Full text: An easy introduction to the study of geography

1. Sovru Amerıca, the southern division of the 
Western Continent, is an extensive Peninsula, united to 
North America by the Isthmus of Darien, 
2. It is famous for its large rivers, high mountains, 
and the abundance of its gold, silver, and diamonds, 
3. The Andes is the most extensive range of moun- 
tains ın South America. Soratfo is the highest peak of 
the Andes. Cotopaxi is the most elevated volcano on 
the globe. It has had six ernptions within a century, 
4. The Amazon, La Plata, Orinoco, and St, Francisco, 
are the chief rivers of this region. "The Amazon is, 
next to the Mississippi, the largest river ın the world, 
and is navigable for three thousand miles, 
5, Coffee, Sugar, and the Chocolate-Nut, with Pine-apples, Bana- 
nas, Oranges, Lemons, and other fruits, are raised in various Pr 
ters. The vanilla bean, well known for its sweet odour, grows here. 
The Milk-tree, which produces a liquid similar to cows’ milk, and 
the various trees from which the Indian-rubber, or gum-elastic, is 
obtained, abound in the warmer regions, 
6. The prineipal beasts are, the Saguar, or American Tiger, the 
Puma, Tapir, Lama, Great Ant-eater, and Sloth, Serpents are nu- 
merous, and some are so large as to be able to destroy and swallow 
deer, and other animals. 
Questions. — 1. What is South America ?-— By what is it united 
to North America? 9. For what is it famous! 3, Which is the 
most extensive range of mountains! — Which is the highest peak? 
— "The most elevated voleano? 4. Which are the chief rivers? 5, 
What are raised in various quarters? 6. Which are the principal

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