Full text: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

80 —H——— 
1. Tun Eastern, or New England States, are situated 
°astward of the Hudson river, "They are Maine, New 
Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Con. 
2, The surface of New Englond is greatly varied ; much 
of the soil is good, yet, in general, it requires diligent cultiva- 
tion, and compels the farmer to use considerable industry to 
Procure good crops. 
3. Horses, cattle, shecp, and hogs, are reared in great 
Numbers; and grass, Indian corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, 
flax, and hemp, are extensively cultivated, "Che principal 
fruits are apples, pears, peaches, plums, &e, 
4. The manufactures of the Eastern States are very ex- 
lensive, and embrace a great variety of articles, "The cotton 
and woollen factories employ numeraus individuals, and a 
New Enpland, Q.—1, Which are the New England states? 2, 
What is said of the surface and sil® What does it require? 3. 
What ATO renrcd in great numbers? What is extensively cultivated? 
Which are the princinpal fruite? 4, What is said of the manufacturen‘

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