80 —H———
1. Tun Eastern, or New England States, are situated
°astward of the Hudson river, "They are Maine, New
Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Con.
2, The surface of New Englond is greatly varied ; much
of the soil is good, yet, in general, it requires diligent cultiva-
tion, and compels the farmer to use considerable industry to
Procure good crops.
3. Horses, cattle, shecp, and hogs, are reared in great
Numbers; and grass, Indian corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley,
flax, and hemp, are extensively cultivated, "Che principal
fruits are apples, pears, peaches, plums, &e,
4. The manufactures of the Eastern States are very ex-
lensive, and embrace a great variety of articles, "The cotton
and woollen factories employ numeraus individuals, and a
New Enpland, Q.—1, Which are the New England states? 2,
What is said of the surface and sil® What does it require? 3.
What ATO renrcd in great numbers? What is extensively cultivated?
Which are the princinpal fruite? 4, What is said of the manufacturen‘