Full text: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

valley at the falls of Willamette river, and contains about 500 inha- 
bitants. Astoria, on the Columbia river, once a trading post, is now 
a port of entry. Portland and Linton, both on the Willamette, below 
Oregon City, are villages recently founded,. 
Map No. 5.—What bounds Oregon on the north? B, Aa.— South? 
U. Ca.— East? M, Ty.—West? P, On.—What mts, on the east? 
Ry.— Highest peak? Fs,—What mts. west of Lewis river? Be.— 
Near the coast? C, Re. — Chief summits ? Rr., S. Hs., Hd., In, — 
Point out the South Pass, This is a gap in the Rocky Mis., 15 or 20 
miles wide, through which emigrants travel to Oregon.—— Chief river? 
On, or Ca.—Chief branchea? Ls., Cs.— Lengths of the prineipal 
tivers? Principal forts? Vr., Wa. Ce.—Cupoes? Fy., Fr., Od, — 
Lakcs? Km., Kt.—0On what river is Oregon city? Astoria? 
1. UPPER CALIFORNIA, NOW 80 noted for its gold, lies east. 
ward of the Pacific Oecan, between Oregon and Mexico. It 
was conquerecd by the American arms in 1846 from Mexico. 
and was confirmed to the United States by the trcaty of 1848. 
2. A large portion of the country is mountainous and ste- 
rile, and, with the exception of the distriet between the Sierra 
Nevada and the Pacific Occan, seems to be of little value for 
agricultural purposes. The Coast and Sierra Nevada Moun- 
tains extend along the sea-shoro : on the castern frontier are 
the Rocky Mountain and Sierra Madre ranges. 
3. The central part of California is called “ the Great Basin ;” this 
is a vast barren district, 1500 miles in circuit, as yet but hmperfeetly 
uxplorcd. "The Colorado, Sacramento, and San Joaquin are the largest 
rivers: the two last flow through the finest portions of California. 
The Great Salt, Pyramid, and Tul&, are the largest lakcs. 
4. The gold region of‘ Califörnia lies at the base of the 
Sierra Nevada, and extends nearly 500 miles along the 
branches of the Sacramento and Joaquin rivers. Here the 
Upper California. Q.—1. What is said of Upper California? What 
occurred in 1846? In 1°48? 2, Deseribe the courtre ? What mts. 
oxtend along the coasi ” ©: u stern frentier? © WW. 3 the 
central part of Californiw 2 11 ı£eribe the Great Baslı ? ich 
are the largest river * 7 © Dass he hp om EP a

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