Metadata: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

Some Capes and 
Promontories have 
light-houses built 
on them : these are 
So caulled because 
they have a bright 
light burning on the 
top of them after 
dürk,that ships may 
Not sail too ncar the 
59. What is a 
A Promontory and Light-House, 
A. A portion of land, raised up to a great height. 
60, How high are the highest mountains in the world? 
A, They are about five and a half miles high; others are 
two, three, and four miles high. 
61. What is a chain or range of Mountains ? 
A. A number of mountains Joined together, and extending 
many hundreds, and even thousands of miles in leneth. 
Plans. Rauge u Mountarps, Mouulaine, Valley. Hills, Volcano. City on 
62. What is  Volcano? nn called 
AA burnir.z mountain, with an opening at the top, 
Aa Crater, , 
63, What rises from the crater of a Volcano

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