Some Capes and
Promontories have
light-houses built
on them : these are
So caulled because
they have a bright
light burning on the
top of them after
dürk,that ships may
Not sail too ncar the
59. What is a
A Promontory and Light-House,
A. A portion of land, raised up to a great height.
60, How high are the highest mountains in the world?
A, They are about five and a half miles high; others are
two, three, and four miles high.
61. What is a chain or range of Mountains ?
A. A number of mountains Joined together, and extending
many hundreds, and even thousands of miles in leneth.
Plans. Rauge u Mountarps, Mouulaine, Valley. Hills, Volcano. City on
62. What is Volcano? nn called
AA burnir.z mountain, with an opening at the top,
Aa Crater, ,
63, What rises from the crater of a Volcano