Red-billed Toauc
Driole Nests.
yrioles, or hanging-birds, with the blacksmith or bell-birds, and hum-
ming-birds of‘ a hundred different species, from the size of a wren to
hat of a humble-bee.
10. The inhabitants of South America amount to about
15 millions, and consist of nearly the same classes as those
of the northern division of the continent—Whites, Indians,
Negroes, and the mixed races: the latter comprise Mulattoes,
Mestizoes, and Zamboes,
11. The whites are chiefly Spaniards and Portuguese, and
their descendants: of these, many of the wealthy classes are
well educated and intelligent; but the great majority of the
seople are ignorant, indolent, and often vicious in their habits.
12, Considerable attention has been Jately paid in some of the South
American States to education, Schools and universities have been
astablished in several places, and knowledge is beginning to dispel
part of the ignorance which prevailed,
13, Nearly the whole of South America was, for three hundred
years, subject to Spain and Portugal: it is now, with the exception of
Guiana, entirely independent of European control, "The Spanish part
is divided into a number of distinct republics, whose governments are
similar to that of the United States; while Brazil, the part setiled by
ihe Portuguese, is a limited monarchy.
14. The Catholic is the established religion in all the South American
States; but persons of other persuasions are allowed to reside without
molestation. In British and Dutch Guiana the Protestant faith prevails.
irds? 10. What im =id of the inhabitanta? 11, Of the whites?
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