Full text: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

6. Tug Republic of Ecuador lies on both sides of the 
squator. The civilized part of‘ the population is confined to 
Ihe western coast and the valleys of the Andes; while the 
Sastern portion of the territory is occupied by independent 
tribes of Indians, 
7, The climate, especially of the region around Quito,* is 
that of perpetual spring. Vegetation never ceases, and the 
treis and meadows are crowned with constant verdure, The 
country is delightful, and is called the evergreen Quito, It is, 
however, subject to earthquakes and violent tempests, 
8. The Gallapagos, or Turtle Islands, are claimed by the Republic of 
Ecuador, "They lie on both sides of the equator, about 650 miles west. 
ward from South America, 'Fhese islands, of which 9 are of some 
size, enjoy a delightful climate; they were recently oceupied by a 
tolony from Guayaquil. 
9, Quito, the capital of Ecuador, is situnted on tho side of Mt, 
Pichincha, 9,000 foct above the sea. It contains handsome strects 
and squares, and many churches and convents, built with magnif. 
sence and taste, It has two universities, which are well attended, 
10. Guayaquil,+ on a gulf of‘ the same name, is the seca-port of‘ this 
republie. It is one of the most flourishing commercial towns of South 
America. Cuenca. Riobamba, and Otabala, are important towns. 
Map No. 17. — What bounds Venczucla on the north? C.-Sa, — 
South? Bl.— East? Ga,-— West? N.-Ga. — Which is the chief 
river? Oo. — How long is it? How far is it navigable for ships ? 
For sloops? What river connects the Orinoco and Rio Negro? Ce,— 
What lıke in the N.-W. part of Venezuela? Mo, — How Inng is it? 
From what Jake does the Orinoco flow? Ia.— What Indians in 
Venezuela? Gs,, Cs., Os. — How many inhabitants has Caraccas? 
Coro? Valencia? Cumana? What island belongs to Venezuela? Ma. 
What bounds Ecuador on the north? N.-Ga, — South? N.-Pu— 
East? Bl.— West? P.-On. — What range of mountains is in the 
western part? As—What two large rivers in the south? Ta, Ue,— 
"These farm the Amazon river. How iar is it navigable for ships? 
Ecuador. Q. — 6. How does the Republic of Ecuador lie? What is 
aid of the civilizcd part? Of the population? Theo western portion 7 
7. Of the climate? 8, The Gallapagos istanda? 9. 77 ie") 
Quito? What does it contain? 10, Describe Gu. 

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