Full text: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

4. SouTH-zasT from Patagonia are several groups of 
ıslands, scattered at various distances from the continent. 
They comprise the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and 
Sandwich Land. 
5. "The elimate of these islands is cold and severe, and 
their shores are rugged and barren. "They are very seldom 
visited, and, except the Falkland group, are uninhabited. 
6. The latter comprises the East and West Falklands, with many 
smaller islands : they contain some good harbours, which afford shelter 
to the ships that navigate the southern scas. Great Britain took. pos- 
session of these islands in 1833, and established a small settiement and 
garrison at Port Louis, where the governor also resides. Peat for fuel 
is abundant, as well as cattle and horses, "U’hese animals were first 
brought from Bucnos Ayres, and are now become wild. 
7. Farther to the south are the islands of South Shetland, South 
Orkney, Palmer’s Land, and Graham’s Land. "’hese have all been 
discovered since the ycar 1819. 
8. They are desolate, storile regions, covercd even in mid-summer 
with ice and snow, and are untenanted by a single human being 
Their shores abound to some cxtent with the fur-seal. and sea-clenhant. 
besides vast numbers of penguins. 
9, Vessels from Stonington and other ports in New England havc 
frequented these islands for the purpose of procuring scals, the fürs of 
which are very fine and valuable, but so many have been destroyed 
that they are now less abundant. 
Map No, 17.— How is Patagonia bounded? Which are its chief 
rivers? Cs., P.-De. — What tribes inhabit it? Ps, Ms, —- What 
islands lie to the eastward? Fd.— What straits separate this rejrion 
from Terra del Fucgo? Mn, — What island on the west coast ? Wn. 
—What island eust of Terra del Fueocg? S.-Ld,— What celchrated 
Cape south of Terra del Fuege: . This cape is the southerr 
extremity of Hermit’s Island. 
Map No. 1.— Western hemisphere, — Which is the most northern. 
Giraham’s Land, or the Falkland Isles? F.-Is. — "The most southern‘ 
C-Ld. — Which are the most castern islands ? S..Ld. — Which * 
Ihe most. distant irom Patagoniza? S..Ld. 
South American Isles. Q. — 4. What do these islands comprisc‘ 
5, What is said cf the climate? What do the Falkland Islands con; 
tain? € Whal the latter comprise ? Contain? What is said of 
Great Brit F pcat? Cattle and horscs? 7, What is furthe! 
to the south .. What are they covered with? In what do thel 
ahores aboune 3, What is said of vessels from Stonington, &e. ?

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