Full text: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

9. Paisley is noted for fine cotton führies, Perth and Dunfermlinz 
for cotton and linen manufactures, Kilmarnock for carpets, and Car. 
ton, ncar Falkirk, for its iron.works, Greenock, Leith, Dundee, 
Montrose and Aberdeen are {he prineipal soa-ports. 
30, Stirling is celebrated for iis castle, Melrose and Kelso for their 
INcient abbeys, Ayr as tlıe scene of some of’ ihe cxploits of‘ Bruce and 
Wallace, and Gretna Green for the marriage of fugitivo lovers from 
Englund. Inverness is considered the capital of’ the Highlands, 
11, Bannockburn is famed for the deeisive vietory gaincd by king 
Robert Bruce over Edward 11. of’ England, and Dünbar for that by 
Üromwell over the Covenanters. At Preston Pans and Falkirk, Prince 
Charles, the son of the Pretender, routed the royal forces, and at Cul- 
loden Moor his arıny was totully defeated, 
Map No. 19. — What bounds Scotland on the north and west? 
A-On. — East? N.-Sa, — South? Ed, L-Sa. —What separates it 
fo Ireland? N.-Cl. — How wide is it? '"Fhe most northern part 
f Scotland? D.-Hd.— Southern? M.-Gy.— Eastern? B.-Ns. — 
Western? APt, 
Firth or Frith is used in Scotland for Bıy and Strait, Where is 
Dornoch Firth? Cromarty F.? Murray F.?7 F, of 'Tay? F. of 
Porth? Solway F.?7 F, of Clyde? Wigton Bay? Glenluce B.? 
Sound of Jura? The Minch? Little Minch? 
Where is Cape Wrath? Dunnet Mcad? Duncansby H.? Ken- 
Nalrd’s fE,? "Tarbet Ness? Buchan N.? Mull of Galloway? M, of 
Uautire? Ardnamurchan Point? (Ness and Mull are fhıe same as 
Uape, Mead, or Point.) 
What ıslands lie west of Scotl: 
9, Paisley, Perth, Greenock 
(1, Banneckburn, \ bar, _ 
‚U. What is said of Stirling, %0.

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