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Maäkıinz Wine,
Gathering Gräpes,
1. France is now the most important republic in Europe;
it is a great and powerful state, and has long held a distin-
Zulshed rank among the nations of Christendom,
2, The country is beautiful and fertile, and the climate
'emperate and salubrious. "The surface is mostly an extended
Main, a large portion of which is well adapted to cultivation.
3. Agriculture is more advanced than in many other parts
f Europe. "Tne manufactures are Various; and the com.
Merce, though not so extensive as that of Great Britain or the
United States, is carried on with almost all parts of the globe,
Aail-ronds are exeiting much attention in France,
4. 'The chief produets are wheat, Indian-corn, grapes, olives, and
he supar-bect, From the latter large quantities of sugar arc made
annually. The vineyards of France yicld 250 different kinds of wine,
they occupy ncar 5 million acres, and their annual produce is about
520 million gallons, Claret, Burgundy, and Champagne are the prin-
%pal wines. Silk and wool are important products,
5. The French are brave, active, and ingenious-—polite in their
Manners, and fond of show and amusement, Their Ion: „4 men
8xcel in the belles-Jettres, mahematies, astronemr EA Sue.lstry,
3 France, Q.—. W . zalı ;
. Of agriculturc AV