The mass of {he people are, however, but indifferently cducated, nof
more than half being able to read and write.
6. Colleges, schools, and public libraries are numerous, and the city
af Paris contains the most celebrated scientific association in Ihe
world. "There is no established religion in France, but the people are
chiefly Catholics, Ministers of all sccts arc paid by government,
7. The French language is the most refined, and the best adapted
to conversation of any in Europe, and is much used in polite society.
The upper classes in France excel in dancing, feneing, and otlıer
gracefül accomplishments ; and the women take an active share in
all the affairs of life,
8, The government was a limited monarchy, the legislative power
being sharcd by the king with a chamber of peers and a chamber of
deputies, until February, 1848, when a great revolution occurred, and
France is how a republie, with a President as chief magistrate,
9. France has long been 2 great military power, Under the Empe-
ror Napoleon the army was the most formidable in Europe, and com-
prised 800,000 men. It has now 344,000. "Ihe navy consists of 342
vessels, 46 are ships of the line, and 74 are steamers,
10. The principal colonics are Algeria, Senegal, and Isle Bourbon,
in Africa; Guadaloupe, Martinique, &c,, in the West Indies; Cayenne,
in Guiana, and Pondicherry, in Asia, "The colonial population ie
2.063.000, which, added to that of France, amounte to 37.463.000.
11. Paris, the capital of France, is on the river Seine, 112
miles from its mouth. It is the second city in Europe for
size, and the first in splendour. "The public buildings and
palaces are numerous, and, generally, excel those of London,
12. This city is also noted for the boauty of its public gardens,
fountains, and monuments, and for the value of its libraries and lite-
rary institutions, It is especially distinguished for ihe gaiety of’ its
inhabitants, and the variety of its public aınusements,
13. Iyons is on the river Rhonc, at its Junction with the Saone, 3t
has long been noted for its silk manufactures, Marseilles is the prin-
cipal sea-port in the Mediterranean, Bordeaux is well known for ile
wines; Roucn for its manufactures of cotion, woollen, and linen ; and
Strasburg for its catlıcdral, the stecple of which is 465 feet high,
14. Rheims, Lille, Nantes, and Orlcans, are important towns. Tou-
lon is the chief naval station on the Mediterrancan : and Brest, on the
Fiench Learned men? Mass of “he people? 6. Colleges, &c. 7
a hr French lav; "8 upper classes? "The
* (Government. xy and navy? 10, Prin-
*senribe Parie. 192. For what is it notcd? 13. Lvons, &e.”