Full text: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

281. In what br ding in the citv of Washington does Congress 
hold its meeting: 
A. In th- 
Capitol at Washington. 
252, Who excentes the laws passcd by Congross ? 
A, The President, with the aid of the other officers of 
283. Who is tho President of the United States ? 
A. The chief magistrate, or head of the government. 
284, By whon is hc chosen to that office ? 
A. The people of the United States, 
385. During what period docs he hold his office ? 
A. He holds his office during the term of four years. 
2386. What forms the American nation? 
A. The whole of the people of the United States, 
287, The word nation signifies a distinet body of people living 
nder one government. 
288, What is a Country? 
A, A large tract of land, a region, one’s native soil. 
289, What are the boundaries of a country ? 
„A, Those parts of land and water which lie next to the 
16 Which separates it from anoiher cow.."y,. 
290, What is the interior of a ci... 
A. The central or inland pur.

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