926 -
308, Nations live in various stages of society, and their condition
is found to depend materially on the progress they have made in know.
ledge, learning, and refinement, and in their skill in the mechanic arts,
309. How may nations be divided’ according to their habits of life
and state of improvement ?
A, Into five classes, viz : savage, barbarous, half-civilized,
eivilized, and enlightened.
310. How do men live in the savage state?
A. By hunting, fishing, and on the spontancous produc-
tions of the ground. "Fhey are generally clad in the skins of
wild animals, and reside in miserable huts, or dens, and caves
in the earth,
311. What is the general character of savage nations?
"hey are bloodthirsty and revengeful, often eat the
„7 1 \he enemies they take in war, and treat their women
312. What de-
gree of know.
ledge do they
posscss ? “
They pos-
sess little or no
knowledge of
agriculture, or
the mechanic
Habitations of the Kamtschatdales, aris, and are
gnorant of reading, writing, and a regular form of govern-
313. What nations are examples of this class ?
A. The nations of Australia, or New Holland, and New
(Fuinea, most of the Indian tribes of North and South
America, and the Kamtschatdales or pcople of Kamtschatka.
314, In what manner do barbarous nations live?
- ”-— agriculture and the pasturage of cattle, sheep, &e.
317 They understand a few of the most simple arts, and are ac-
"7 * w’th reading and writing only te & wwry limited extent.