Full text: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

Which is the most eastern Cape? Et, . mal" 
Which are the most southern Capes of Hindoostan and Birmah 
Sn. and Ns, 
What three great Rivers flow into the Northern Ocean? Oe,, Yi., La. 
What River flows into the Channel of Tartary? Ar. 
What two large Rivers flow through China ? Ho, Yg. 
What River separates Cochin China from Cambodia? Ca, 
What River flows into the Gulf of Martaban? Iy. 
What two Rivers flow into the Bay of Bengal? Gs., Br. 
What River bounds Hindoostan on the west? Is. 
What two Rivers unite and flow into the Persian Gulf? E»., T 
What Rivers flow into the Caspian Sea? Va, UL 
What two Rivers flow into the Sea of Aral? Ao., Sn. 
What River flows through Little Bokhara? Cr. 
What Island west of Syria? Cs, 
What Island south of Hindoostan? Cn. 
What Islands in the Bay of Bengal? An, Nr. 
What Island west of Malacca? P.Pp, 
What Island south of China? Hn. 
What Islands east of China? Fa, L.-Co. 
What Islands form the Empire of Japan? Jo. Nn., Se., Ku. 
What Island cast of Mantchooria? Sn. 
What Islands south of Kamtschatka? Ko, 
What range of Islands east of Kamtschatka? An, 
What three Islands north of Siberia? Ki, Lf, N.-Sa, 
What Strait scpurates Asia from North America? Bs. 
What Strait between the Islands of Jesso and Niphon ? My. 
What Strait between Corea and J apan? Ca, 
What Strait between China and Formosa? Fa, 
What Strait between Malacca and Sumatra?” Ma, 
What Strait between Arabia and Abyssinia?* Bb, 
What two great divisions docs this Stirait separate ? 
What Peninsula lies between the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea? Au 
What Pehinsula south of Siam? Ma. 
What Peninsula between the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan? Ca 
What Peninsula between the seas of Ochotsk and Kamtschr“ ” 7

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