Questions.— Where is it situated ?
Questions. — What is its relative position?
How is it bounded on the north ?—on the east?
—80uth *—west ?
ExAMPLE,.—Spain ?—Situated in the southwestern part of
Eu’rope,—bounded on the north by the Bay of Bis’cay and France;
an the east by the Mediterra’nean ; on the south by the Mediter-
ra’nean, the Strait of Gibral’tar, and the Atlantic; and on the
west.by Por’tugal and the Atlantic.
Rus’sia !
Swe’den ?
Nor’way ?
Den’mark ?
Prus’sia ?
Aus’tria ?
Tur‘’key (in Europe) ?
ExAMPLE.—Ice’land ?—It is situated in the Atlantic Ocean,
vbout 700 miles west of Nor’way.*
Nova Zem’bla ?
Cy’prus 1. ?
Dan’dia I. ?
[o’nian Is. ?
Malta (maul’ta) 1
Sie’ily I. ?
Sardin/ia 1.7
Cor’sica 1. ?
Balearic (bal-e-ar’ik) Is. ?
Ireland (irland) ?
The Heb’rides Is. ?
Ork’ney Is. ?
Shet/land Is. ?
Faroe ( far’o) Is. ?
Ice/land I. ?
Lofo’den Is. ?t
Questions.—Where is it situated? Into what
waters does it project ?
ExAmMPLE.—North ?—It is the most northern cape in Eu’rope.
and projects into the Arctic Ocean. [North Cape is situated on
he island of Mag’eröe, & little to the north of the mainland. ]
North ? Finisterre ( fin-is-tare‘)?
Matapan’ ? Land’s End?
St. Vin’cent ? Clear ?
Questions.— Where is it situated? To what
large water is it tributary ?
Examrpu.e,—White?-—It is situated in the northern part of
Rus’sia, and is tributary to the Arctic Ocean.
Cas’pian Sea ?* Li/ons, Gulf ?
Az’of, Sea? Bis’cay, Bay
Black Sea ? I’rish Sea?
Marmo’ra, Sea? North Sea ?
Mediterra’nean Sea ? Bal’tic Sea ?
Taran’to, Gulf? Rı’ga (e), Gulf?
Adriat’ic Sea? Fin/land, Gulf?
Gen’oa. Gulf ? Both’nia, Gulf?
Questions.—Throngh what country or countries,
and in what direction, does it flow? Where does
it empty ?
ExAMmPLE.-—-Dwina ?—Flows through the northern part of
Rus’sia, and empties into the White Sea,
Dwina? E’bro ?
Petch’ora ? Guadalaquiver”?
Ural (vo’ral) ? Ta’gus ?
Vol’ga? Douro (doo’ro) ?
Don? Seine (sane) ?
Dnieper (nee; Rhine ?
Pruth ? Elbe ?
Dan’ube ? Vis’tula ?
Save? Niemen (nee’men) ?
Po? Duna?
Rhone? "Tornea (tor/ne-0\?
Questions.—What countries does it separate ?
What waters does it connect ?,
ExAmMmPi_LE.—Do'ver ?—Separates England from France, and
:onnects the Eng’lish Channel with the North Sea,
Messina (ee)? Gibraltar ?
Dtiran/ta ? Do/ver?
* The distance from the mainland need not generally be given.
t The island of Nova Zem’bla belongs to Ruy’'sie; Cy'prus and Can’dia,
o 7ur'key; Bieily, to Na’ples; Bardin’ia, to the kingdom of Surdin' ia,
Dor’sica, to France; the Balear'ie, to Sprin ; Ire‘land, the Heb'rides, Ork'-
1ey, Shetland, and Mal’ta, to Areat Britain; the Far’oc and Ice’‘land. to
Denmark: and the Lafo’den. to NOoranau.
* The Cas’'pian is an inland sea, and has no visible outlet, though it re-
ceives the waters of several laryo rivers.