Canton is situated so as to profit not only by the proximity of 
the Si-kiang, but by that of rivers from the north and east, which flow 
into the Canton estuary. 
[It has thus become a great 
trade centre for the fertile 
area around, although its 
port is not deep enough for 
large ocean vessels. The 
Canton River is cerowded 
with boats and rafts, and 
quite a large population 
resides thus afloat, and 
even such occupations as 
rearing poultry are pur- 
zued. The town is sur- 
rounded by 8 high wall, The territory enclosed by the dotted line has been leased 
and has a picturesque to the United Kingdom, 
appearance, but is rendered unhealthy by its narrow and dirty streets, 
Metal-work, stone-work, and other industries are carried on, but the 
place is mainly a great depöt for collecting and exporting tea and silk. 
Hong-Kong is an island at the mouth of the Si-kiang, which, with 
a peninsula on the mainland opposite, belong to the United Kingdom. 
The chief town—Victoria—has a magnificent harbour, and is a naval as 
well as commercial station. It carries on a large entrepöt trade with 
Britain, China, India, and Australia. The town of Macao, which also 
lies at the mouth, of the Si-kiang, belongs to Portugal, but has an 
indifferent port. The large island of Hainan produces timber, but is 
unhealthy, and the coasts are subject to typhoons. 
This is hampered by insufficient means of transport, though the 
difficulty is gradually being met by the construction of railways. At 
present, apart from the few railways that exist and the river and canal 
traffic, goods are either conveyed in small carts and wheelbarrows, or 
by baggage animals—mainly camels in the north—and by porters, 
The foreign trade is small in proportion to the size and resources of the 
country, and is carried on only through certain treaty ports. These are, 
however, numerous; and as manufacturing industries develop and

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