Full text: The Guyot geographical reader and primer

and the people know that they must hasten to escape 
the danger that is coming. "They go away to Naples 
or to some otlıer place, far enough from the mountain 
to be safe. On coming back, they sometimes find their 
vineyards and villages all destroyed ; but they are not 
afraid to settle themselves again upon the slopes, for 
they know that the volcano is not likely to do any more 
harm for years. 
13. Two cities, that stood near Naples, were once 
buried under substances thrown out from Vesuvius. 
Their names were Herculaneum and Pompeii. Kor 
Nnearly eighteen hundred years no one knew the place 
Where they had been; but now they have been found, 
and parts of them are uncovered. Veople can enter the 
houses, and see how they were arranged, and how 
People lived in those old times. Many curious and 
beautiful things, made before our Savior came into the 
World, are found in these buried cities. 
Swit’-zer-land. | av’-a-lanche. ] cham’-ois [sham'-my]. 
Ge-ne’-va. gla’.cier [uvla'-sherl. al’-pine (-»in)]. 
l.. SWITZERLAND is a small but famous country east 
of France. The first thing one thinks of in hearing this 
name is the Alps, a high, rugged mountain range. Its 
lower slopes are covered with vineyards, orchards, 
wheat fields, and meadows, with pleasant villages in 
every valley. Higher up are green forests of oak and 
Walnut, then tall, dark pines av us,

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