Full text: Vol.IV, [Schülerband] (Vol.IV)

extraordinary terrors. God forbid that they, or I, or 
any man, should cease to believe that wicked men 
will be punished hereafter and good men rewarded.! 
But the Christians have taken this ancient doctrine, 
and distorted its meaning, and now howl it out like 
the Corybantes, as if no one had ever heard of it 
before, Their creed preserves its original Egyptian 
stamp—grand and impressive without, and within 
ridieulous, The Greeks say that the heroes became 
gods, "The Christians will not believe in the heroes, 
but insist that Christ was seen after death by his 
friends when they saw nothing but a shadow, and 
they are angry with us if we in turn decline to 
believe them. Hundreds of Grecks are to be found 
to this day who maintain that they have seen, and 
often see, Esculapius busy about sick beds, Aristeas 
of Proconnesus disappeared mysteriously again and 
again, and started up in all quarters of the world. 
Abaris travelled on an arrow. Hermotimus of 
Clazomenz could leave his body and return to it. 
Cleomedes was locked into a box, and when the box 
was opened he was gone, Men once living and now 
VA very remarkable confession, 
sonsidering who mada ii 2: 
markable that it must La ziye 
Colsus’s own words: PÄTE vu r3ig 
fin Kr 
ävbpüruv dr60er0aı TO mepi ToD 
x \agOoeodaı Tode dbiroug Ka 
Z. AEwONHdErOaL TOUC Örkaloug 
„ua, (Lib. di, ce 16,)

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