asked for peace, gave guarantees, and received a British envoy
as a permanent resident in his capital. But this weak prince
was totally unable to control his wild subjects, who rose in
arms, murdered the envoy, Sir Louis Cavagnari, and all his
escort, and proclaimed the “holy war” (Jehad) against the
British infidels. Lord Lytton was obliged to launch his armies
for a second time against Afghanistan. Roberts again marched
on Cabul, and occupied it after the battle of Charasia, but was
soon beset by a vast horde of insurgents who beleaguered him
in his camp. He drove them off, however, and was completely
triumphant long before reinforcements reached him from India,
But matters went worse in the south, where the pretender
Eyub Khan defeated at Maiwand the garrison of Candahar,
Battle of and formed the siege of that city. It was saved,
Maiwand-—-—- When in very evil plight, by the rapid march of
Relief of Roberts from Cabul: in twenty-three days he
Candahar. . .
crossed the mountainous lands which separate
northern and southern Afghanistan without the loss of a man.
Falling on the besiegers, he scattered them at the battle of
Candahar (September 1, 1880), and practically finished the war
at a single blow. Lord Lytton would have liked to annex
much of the conquered territory, but Mr. Gladstone was now in
power at home, and the warlike viceroy was recalled, The
Liberal Government withdrew our troops, after recognizing as
ameer Abdur Rahman, a nephew of the late ruler, Shere Ali.
He has, on the whole, proved a good neighbour to India, and
kept faithfully the pledges which he made in 1880,
"Ihe next important movement in our Indian Empire was on
the flank furthest from Afghanistan. "The kings of Burmah had
Final always been vexatious neighbours, and in 1885
annexation we were drawn into war with T’heebaw, a despot
of Burmalı. „po had massacred all his relatives and entered
into intrigues with France. His worthless army was scattered
with ease, and his whole dominion annexed; but the sup-
pression of the brigandage (Zacoify) which had always prevailed