10, Very ample provision has been made for popular education in Aus 
state ; and there is no country in the world where the great body of the 
Pcople have the means of being so generally instructed as in New York. 
Morethan 800,000 children are taught annually in the common-schools : 
and there are, also, 280 academies, 11 colleges, and a university, 
11. The people of New York, during the revolutionary war, Strenu- 
Susly opposcd the arbitrary measures of the British government, "The 
state, for the greater part of that gloomy period, was the theatre of 
active hostilities ; and the surrender of General Burgoyne and his arıny, 
With other memorable events, took place within its limits, 
BR. The city of New York is situuted on Manhattan island, at the 
junction of the Hudson and East rivers. It is the commercial em- 
porium of America ; and is, next to London and Liverpool, the greatest 
in the world. Its progress in population has never been surpasscd 
Since 1796, it has, including Brooklyn, increased mare than ten-fold, 
13, The foreign, coasting, and inland trade of this city is immense; 
regular packets are constantly trading to the chief sea-ports in Europe, 
the West Indies, South America, and all the important maritime towns 
in the United States. Steam-ships also are constantly arriving from, 
and departing to, England, and other Europcan countries, 
14. Onc of the most important works in the state is the aqueduct für 
supplying the city with wholesome water from the Croton river, It is 
45 miles long, and 
will furnish 60 mil- 
lion gallons of water 
daily: it cost 12% 
million dollars, This 
Noble structure was 
Commenced in 1835, 
and was built at the 
Sxpense of the city. 
15. The public 
buildings are nume- 
"ous, and many of 
Yıcm elegant, The 
City Hall, new Cus- 
tom House, Mer- 
Flunte’ Exchange, 
Un of the University, Astor House, Hall of Justice, &c., are among 
Uhe most striking and important. The churches are unwards of 150 
In number. 
10, Of popular education? How many children are taught annu- 
ally? 11. What is said of the people of New York? Of the State ? 
12. Where is the city of New Vork altunted? What is it? What is 
Snid of its progress In population? 13, Foreign, coasting, and inland 
trade? 14, The Croton aqueduct ; 15. Mention the public buildings,

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