Full text: Modern school geography and atlas

What ocean is on the west of Africa? What ocean on the east? 
How is Africa separated from Europe? From Asia? What is the 
soutbern point of Africa called? What is the most westerly point 
alled? What is the most easterly point called? What large island is 
{ff the east coast? How is it separated from Africa? In what zone is 
he greater part of Africa? What countries or states are on the 
Mediterranean? On the Atlantic? On the Indian Ocean? On the 
Red Sea? Around Lake Chad? Which is the principal river of Africa ? 
Where does it flow? What rivers flow into the Atlantic? What river 
mto the Indian Ocean? What lakes are in the interior? How is 
Morocco separated from the Great Desert? How from Spain? What 
point is opposite (Gibraltar? What country adjoins Morocco on the east? 
What islands are to the east of Morocco? Where is Morocco situated? 
Where Fez? Where Tangier? In what zone are the French possessions 
An the north coast of Africa? Cane Colonv? What sea is on the north 
What is the area of Africa? Extent? Popula- 
ion? What is the form of Africa? How is it 
bounded? How may it be divided? What is said 
of Africa? Of the mountains? Describe the 
principal mountains. Where are they situated? 
Name the principal rivers of Africa. Describe the 
zourse of the Nile and recent discoveries connected 
with it. Name the principal lıkes of Africa, 
Name the principal bays, gulfs, &c, Name the 
prineipal straits. Name the principal capes, 
Deseribe the climate of Africa. The Desert of 
Sahara. What is said of the winds from the 
lesert? Of the climate in the north? In the 
south? In Cape Colony? Describe the soil and 
veretation. The animals, &c, The inhabitants, 
Ylıe trade and exports of the country. What is 
Ihe aren of Egypt? Population? Size? Capital? 
How is Egypt bounded? What is said of the Nile? 
Describe the climate. Soil and products. What 
4as been done by the Pacha? What is said of the 
zovernment? Of the people? Of the religion ? 
Mescribe the Isthmus of Suez. How is it traversed? 
For what is Egypt interesting? Describe the chief 
:ities and places. What is the area of the British 
bossessions? Population? Size? How are they 
;ituated? What is said of the country? Of the 
people? Of the climate and productions? De- 
seribe Cape Colony. How is it bounded? Describe 
its chief towns. Describe Natal and its chief 
<«owns, How is it bounded? Describe British 
Caffraria. Describe the Dutch republies. What 
zountries are to the west of them? What is the 
size of Madagascar? Population? How is it 
;ituated? Describe it, Describe the climate, 
30il and products. Minerals. Government, 
What is said of converts to Christianity? Describe 
;he chief towns. Point them out on the map. 
Describe Ascension. St Helena, Mauritius, 
Nhere are they situnted? What other islands 
5elong to Britain? Describe their position. De- 
‚cribe the islands belonging to France, Where are 
‘hey situated? Describe the Portuguese islands. 
Where are they situated? Describe the Spanish 
islands. Where are they situated? Describe 
Bnentran. How is it situated ? 
of Egypt? What on the east of Egypt, Nubia, and Abyssinia? How is 
ıhis sea connected wi‘ the Indian Ocean? How is Egypt joined to 
Asia? What countries of Asia does it adjoin? Name the principal 
»ities on the Nile in Egypt. In Nubia. What seaport is in Nubia? 
What city of Arabia is opposite to it? What seaport is in Abyssinia? 
What lake is in the centre of Africa ? What rivers are in the west of 
Africa? Inte what ocenn do they flow? What mountains are in the 
vest? What ocean washes tlıe eastern shores of Africa? What large 
ver flows into it? What large lakes are in the interior? What great 
‚iver flows from them? What is the most easterly point of Africa called? 
What large island is to.the east of Africa? How is it separated from 
Africa? What islands lie to the east of 117? What islands He to the 
4orth-east of it? What islands are to the north-west of Africa? How is 
Socotra situnted? Ascension? Cape Verde Islands? What celebrated 
zulfs narth of Tripali?

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