Full text: Modern school geography and atlas

What is the area of Newfoundland? Population? Extent? Capi- 
al? How is Newfoundland situated? How is it separated from the 
‚mainland? How is it divided? What is also included in the govern- 
ment? Name the principal islands. Point them out on the map. 
Where are they situated? Describe the outline of Newfoundland, 
Name the principal bays, Point them out on the map. What is said of 
seninsulas? Point out the principal on the map. Name the prineipal 
:apes. Point them out on the map. What is said of Cape Race? What 
wonderful enterprise connects Newfoundland with Europe? What is 
mid of the other capes? Of the settlements, &c.? Describe the surface, 
The principal lakes and rivers. Point them out on the map. Describe 
he climate of Newfoundland. The soil and products. The minerals, 
From what does Newfoundiand derive its importance? What is said of 
‚he fisheries? Who carry them on? Of the banks of Newfoundland? 
Jf the seal-fishery? What financial statistics are given? What are the 
‚hief markets for fish? What is said of the government? Of the reli- 
zions? Describe the chief towns, Point them out on the map. Where 
are they situated? What is the area of British Columbia? The popula- 
don? Extent? What is the extent of Vancouver Island? What is the 
zapital of British Columbia? What does it comprise? How is it 
sounded? Describe the sur’ace. Name the principal mountain ranges. 
Point them out on the map. Name the principal passes through the 
Rocky Mountains. Describe the Cascade range. Where is the most 
‚aluable part of the country situated? Name the principal rivers of 
3ritish Columbia. Trace their courses on the map, Describe the coast- 
ine, Namethe principal islands. The principal straits and gulfs. The 
yrincipal inlets, Describe the climate. How did British Columbia first 
lerive its importance? What minerals are found? What is said of the 
*xports and imports? What is said of the history of British Columbia? 
IYow is the government composed? How is British Columbia divided? 
Nhat is said of the inhabitants? Of the railways? What is the area of 
Manitoba? Population? Extent? Capital? How is Manitoba situ- 
ıted? What rivers intersect it? Trace the course of Red River? Of 
the Assiniboine? Describe the lakes, Describe the country. Its pro- 
ducts. What project is likely to improve the country? What is the 
mployment of many of the inhabitants? How is the population com- 
»sed? What reservation is made for the half-.breeds? How is the 
jovernment composed? What numbers are elected to the Dominion 
>arliament? Describe Winnipeg. What is the area of the North-West 
Verritory? Population? Extent? How is it bounded? 'Fo whom did 
he Territory belong? From whom did the Company receive the 'Terri- 
'ory? How was it ceded to Canada? Describe the surface of the 
:ountry, Describe Hudson Bay. The mountains and hills. Trace 
hem on the map. What is a remarkable feature of the country? Name 
he principal lakes, Point them out on the map. Deseribe the principal 
ivers, Trace them on the map. MDescribe the climate and soil. How 
nay the country be divided? Describe the regions into which it may 
’e divided, Trace them on the map. What is said of the forts of the 
Jompany? Name the principal. Point them out on the map. What 
s said of the people? What is said of the Hudson Bay Company? Of 
‘he Indians? How is the Territory governed? Where do the Arctic 
'egions extend? What do they comprise? For what are they in- 
eresting? What is said of the expeditions? What has been discovered? 
What is said of the western part of the Arctic Ocean? What is said of 
he most important expeditions? Of Sir John Franklin? What is said 
yf minerals? 
What mountain chains cross the western part of the Dominion? 
Which parts of the Dominion are in the west? Which in the east? 
Which province is near the centre? Which is the most southerly? 
Which provinces adjoin the United States? How is Ontario separated 
rom the United States? How is Newfoundland separated from Labra- 
dor? What large bay is nearly enclosed in the Dominion? What 
islands are in the Gulf of St Lawrence? What large islands are off the 
west coast? What island is north-east of Nova-Scotia What large 
:iver flows into the Gulf of Georgia? What rivers flow into Lake Win- 
aipeg? What river divides Ontario from Quebec? What large river is 
in New Brunswick? Name the lakes from‘ west to east emptied by St 
Lawrence River? What rivers flow into the St Lawrence on the north 
bank? What lakes are parıly in Manitoba? What bay is between Nova 
Scotia and New Brunswick? What strait is between Vancouver Island 
and the United States? What sound separates Queen Charlotte Island 
from British Columbia? What is the position of New Brunswick from 
Queber? Of Prince Edward Island from New Brunswick? Of Nova 
5cotia from Newfoundland? In what direction is Winnipeg from Tor- 
onto? Montreal from Toronto? St John from Montreal?‘ Halifax from 
St John? What is the south-eastern point of Nova Scotia called? How 
is Prince Edward Island separated fron New Brunswick and Nova 
Scotia? How is Vancouver Island separated from the mainland? What 
's the northern point of Vancouver Island called? Give the latitude of 
Newfoundland. The longitude. How is Newfounüland separated from 
Labrador? Which is the nearest point to Cape Breton? What is the 
extreme north point called? What island is near it? What isthesont}- 
sastern peint called? What gulf is on ıhe west? What islands are south 
»f£ Newfoundland? What island is between Newfoundland and Cape 
Breton? In what direction from St John is Harbour Grace? Carbon- 
jear? Placentia? Halifax, N.S,? How is British Columbia separated 
rom the North-West Territory? How is the mainland separatad from 
Yancouver Island? What part of the United States lies to the north- 
vest of British Columbia? What rivers fAow into the Pacific Ocean? 
In what river is New Westminster situated? What is the northern 
int of Vancouver Island called? What groups of islands lie to the 
N,W., of Vancouver Island? What towns in Vancouver Island are on 
he Gulf of Georgia? What island lies to the west of Vancouver Island? 
Nhat large lakes are in the northern part of Manitoba? What lakes are 
ı1etween Manitoba and Lake Superior? What river flows into the Red 
River from the west? What is the nearest town in the United States on 
he Red River. What is the southern boundary of Manitoba? What 
iver drains Lake Winnipeg into Hudson Bay? How is Winnipeg situ- 
ıted? In what direction from Winnipeg is Pembina? Toronto? Que- 
»%c? Fort William? Where does Red River rise? In what direction 
loes it flow? What strait connects Hudson Bay with the Atlantic Occan? 
Vhat large island is at the mouth of Hudson Bay? What is the southern 
»xtremity of Hudson Bay called? What rivers flow into Hudsen Bay 
rom the west? From the east? What rivers flow into James Bay? 
Into the Arctic Ocean? What river rises in British Columbia and flows 
nto Lake Athabasca? Where does the Saskatchewan rise? Into what 
ake does it flow? What large river rises in the North-West Territory 
ınd flows into Alaska?

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